Increase In Healthcare Spending Projected

Increase In Healthcare Spending Projected

A Wall Street Journal article, citing a report published by government officials, speculates that national healthcare spending is projected to increase in the next few years, While healthcare spending increased by only 3.6% in 2013, the report predicts this number will increase to 5.6% in 2014 and 6.0% every year between 2015 and 2023.

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Health Care Industry Spending At A Low

Health Care Industry Spending At A Low

It’s not surprising that what some call “The Great Recession” would have an impact on health care spending as a whole. Of course structural changes due to the Affordable Care Act, instated in 2010, have played a role as well. So it is hard to clearly define which has been the cause of the industry slowdown.

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$16.3 Billion VA Funding Bill Allows Veterans Access To Private Doctors

$16.3 Billion VA Funding Bill Allows Veterans Access To Private Doctors

Last week Congress approved a $16.3 billion funding bill aimed at increasing the level of care provided to Veterans at private health care facilities. According to Medical Economics, “the bill, which is now on President Obama’s desk for signature, provides $10 billion in funding for veterans to receive care at private facilities, if they are unable to obtain an appointment within 30 days or if they live more than 40 miles away from a VA facility.”

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