How to Survive the Coming Collision Between Tech and Healthcare

How to Survive the Coming Collision Between Tech and Healthcare

Soon you will be able to buy a discount ticket to go to a package of four big industrial shows: The Consumer Electronics Show, The International Auto Show, The Home Builder's Show, and the Wearable Technology Show. They all seem to be about the same thing—embedding sensors and monitoring things. Auto companies are buying AI, robotics, and advanced technology companies. Meanwhile, the clothing, auto, home building, and electronics industries all seem to be increasingly drawn to healthcare and wellness like moths to a flame. Under Armor is getting serious.

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What Happens to Residents When the Physician Employment Bubble Pops?

What Happens to Residents When the Physician Employment Bubble Pops?

Some are saying the employed physician bubble is about to pop. We've seen this movie before when hospitals bought practices and then had to divest them because the docs were not as productive as expected. Doctors get hired to generate an expected rate of return, just like every other investment. When the downstream lab and imaging revenues are not up to snuff, or their RVU productivity drops, then there is trouble in River City and the white coats start to get the pink slips

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The Big Fix: How to Get Patients and Doctors to Change

The Big Fix: How to Get Patients and Doctors to Change

American Heart Association guidelines currently recommend a systolic pressure of less than 140 millimeters of mercury for most adults with high blood pressure, or hypertension. But doctors say these new findings support a steeper goal of 120 — a reduction that could translate into doctors putting millions more Americans with high blood pressure on additional medication.

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10 Ways to Channel Your Creativity in Medicine

10 Ways to Channel Your Creativity in Medicine

Most doctors are admitted to medical school not because they are creative. While things are gradually changing, for the most part they are chosen because they perform well on standardized tests and are smart enough to check off a bunch of experiential boxes that they think admission committee members want to see e.g. spending time in healthcare facilities, an international experience, some community service, and leadership examples. It also helps to be able to memorize and regurgitate a bunch of facts. It explains why so few have an entrepreneurial mindset. 

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The Medical Practice Entrepreneur's New Year's Resolutions

The Medical Practice Entrepreneur's New Year's Resolutions

Surthriving in medical practice means practicing Othercare. One element is to be sensitive to rapid change in the environment and adapt. PwC has saved you trouble and outlined the future. Here are some ways to respond:

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