Diagnosis: Plan and Protect

Diagnosis: Plan and Protect

In the medical profession, small mistakes can have grave consequences, so it’s no wonder medical professionals have become a huge target of lawsuits today. Patients and their families have come to expect and feel entitled to receiving perfect medical care.  An error that had a catastrophic impact on a loved one means that someone has to pay. It may be because Americans see a lawsuit as a way to “get rich quick” or they just want to get made whole from the wrong they’ve experienced. Either way, they are going after the assets of the physician to pay the price, so it is important for you – as the physician – to be ready when that time comes.

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Accenture Report: Doctors are Leaving Private Practice for Hospital Employment

Accenture Report: Doctors are Leaving Private Practice for Hospital Employment

The number of independent physicians has declined over the last several years, from 57 percent in 2000 to 49 percent in 2005 according to a report conducted by Accenture. It's not a surprise that respondents mentioned reimbursement pressures (36%) and overhead cost (23%) as the two main factors for leaving independent practice.

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Healthcare Spending Grew at Twice the Rate of the Rest of the Economy in 2nd Quarter

Healthcare Spending Grew at Twice the Rate of the Rest of the Economy in 2nd Quarter

Healthcare spending grew at twice the rate of the economy in the 2nd quarter. According to the U.S. Commerce Department, healthcare spending grew at a rate of  4.9%, while the overall economy grew at a rate of 2.3% in the same quarter.  Moreover, the healthcare sector grew 5.7% in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same period in 2014.

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A Lost Decade for U.S. Economic Growth?

A Lost Decade for U.S. Economic Growth?

The economy is progressing slower than experts expected. According to the Commerce Department, the GDP grew at a 2.3% annualized rate in the second quarter, which is less than the 3% economists claim is needed. This was certainly an improvement from the 0.6% in the first 3 months of 2015, but it is less than economists had forecasted. In order to reach a 3% growth rate for the year, the economy would have to grow at a 4.75% rate during the final two quarter of 2015.

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Key Considerations as You Approach Retirement

 Key Considerations as You Approach Retirement

There are many important concerns and questions one should consider about retirement. The biggest questions remains: “Will your retirement income last and allow you to live in something approximating your current lifestyle?” As people continue to live longer lives, this question becomes increasingly important and the answer becomes even more difficult to predict.

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