U.S. Health Campaigns & Start-Ups Prompting Major Healthcare Cost Cutting

U.S. Health Campaigns & Start-Ups Prompting Major Healthcare Cost Cutting

The U.S. spends about 50% more per capita on healthcare than other countries with comparable levels of income and development. The biggest contributors to these high expenditures include higher prices for medical procedures, hospital days, and drugs as well as higher utilization of medical resources and higher administrative costs. However, the U.S. is uniquely positioned to make big strides in reducing healthcare costs despite its dismal past in healthcare cost management.

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Malcolm Gladwell on the Significant Shortcomings of Data

Malcolm Gladwell on the Significant Shortcomings of Data

At the mobile marketing analytics provider Tune’s Postback 2015 event, author Malcolm Gladwell told the most data-driven marketing technologist crowd that data is not a blessing, but a curse. The reason he said, “More data increases our confidence, not our accuracy.” Data shows that the average person under 25 is texting more each day than the average person over 55 texts each year. This data however does not tell us the nature of that behavior, whether it is developmental or generational change.

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How and Why Goldman Sachs quietly Became an Influential Tech Investor

How and Why Goldman Sachs quietly Became an Influential Tech Investor

Goldman Sachs, arguably the most powerful bank in the world, is quietly becoming one of the most influential investors in technology startups. According to research from CB Insights, Goldman has participated in 132 fund-raising rounds in private technology companies since 2009. Goldman has backed Uber, Pinterest, Dropbox, and 12 other so-called unicorns, that once-rare group of startups valued at over $1 billion. At last count, there were 119 startups valued at more than $1 billion, almost all created within the past few years. Goldman ranks in the top 10 of CB Insights’ unicorn backers.

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CMS to allow more Flexibility in ICD-10 Claims Auditing

CMS to allow more Flexibility in ICD-10 Claims Auditing

It’s crunch time for healthcare providers as the deadline for the ICD-10 transition quickly approaches and anxiety intensifies. In order to ease that anxiety, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has announced it will reimburse incorrectly-coded claims under the Part B physician fee schedule, so long as the incorrect code is from the right family.

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Large EHR Vendors Continue to Derail Healthcare Interoperability

Large EHR Vendors Continue to Derail Healthcare Interoperability

According to DirectTrust, an association that accredits HISPs, 50% of U.S. Healthcare providers have access to Direct secure messaging via 36 health information service providers (HISPs). However, EHR vendors are complicating physicians' ability to exchange Direct messages.

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