Screen Time vs. Face Time?

Screen Time vs. Face Time?

Doctors are angry about EMRs and pushing back. They are complaining that screen time is getting in the way of face time with patients and it is contributing to the already mountain of stress and burnout and interfering with just letting doctors be doctors... "Just a glorified billing platform with the patient stuff tacked on."

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10 Reasons Why Your Doctor Won't Text You

10 Reasons Why Your Doctor Won't Text You

When it comes to what patients want from eCare technologies and what doctors provide, there is a big gap. For example,  twenty-seven percent said their doctor had a nurse-manned advice line, but only 14% said it was available 24/7. Thirteen percent said their physician had evening and weekend hours, while another 37% said they wanted that service. Despite the noise, most docs are not buying into the telehype. Why?

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The ABCDE's of Technology Adoption

The ABCDE's of Technology Adoption

Every day, doctors have to make daily decisions about whether or not to adopt a new technology and add it their clinical armamentarium , either replacing or supplementing what they do. In doing so, they run the risk of making a Type 1 or a Type 2 adoption error.

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The 4 Phases of Physician Entrepreneurship Development

The 4 Phases of Physician Entrepreneurship Development

Physician entrepreneurship describes the pursuit of opportunity using scarce resources with the goal of creating user defined value through the deployment and harvesting of biomedical and care innovation. Clinicians are becoming interested for many reasons and they characteristically go through defined stages of their physician entrepreneurship career progression.

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10 Reasons Why Digital Health Startups Fail

10 Reasons Why Digital Health Startups Fail

Startups, in general, fail for many reasons. One observer mentioned his top 5 reasons as 1) lack of capital, 2) expanding too soon, 3) heavy reliance on debt, 4) poor strategy, and 5) poor business model and plan.

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