5 Ways To Boost Your Medical Group's Efficiency With A Patient Portal


Patient portals are electronic platforms that serve as central locations where patients can access their medical information and records. Having one is an effective way to increase both customer satisfaction and the efficiency of your practice. Medical Economics lists five ways to maximize the benefits created by your patient portal:

1. Allow patients to request services, obtain personal medical information, and submit information required by the practice through the patient portal

2. Make it so the patient portal is linked to your electronic health records

3. Encourage patients who will benefit the most from patient portal to use it—like patients who have chronic conditions, receive many tests from different specialists, or are undergoing extensive treatment for a condition

4. Ensure patients know your practice has a portal system and designate one employee to work with patients to set up their portal accounts

5. Receive patient feedback on the portal system and modify it as necessary

Summary by MedicalGroups.com

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