A Mobile Approach Can Help Boost Patient Engagement

Mobile devices are still proliferating much faster than computers proving that consumers prefer using mobile devices. More user-friendly software in mobile devices is necessary to allow consumers to access anything on the go. A big problem in the healthcare system is that patient portals on traditional computers are typically the only means of accessing important health information.


Senior Vice President and CIO of Miami Children's Hospital Ed Martinez discusses these issues in an interview with EHRIntelligence.com. He first notes that, “The most effective way of engaging patients is to understand their habits as consumers of information and their technology preferences and capabilities.” Secondly, mobile devices and applications are more effective than computers in connecting with patients. Martinez believes that providers should reevaluate their current patient engagement strategies and launch more mobile strategies. Lastly, organizations should keep their current portals running effectively, but also start investing more in the mobile space, because those companies are going to come out on top.


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Alison Killian is a recent graduate of Grove City College who majored in Business Management and minored in Biology Studies. She is a contributor to Medical Groups and passionate about all facets of healthcare. She plans on continuing work in the healthcare field especially in management. She is very interested in healthcare innovation and finding ways to improve the current system. She hopes to go back to school in a few years to earn a degree in medicine.