Healthcare Obstacles Require Innovation from the Best and Brightest
/Wharton management professor John Kimberly is conducting research on innovation in health care with the goal of further refining theories of innovation and discovering practical applications. For example in choosing a chief innovation officer Kimberly examines the question, “Is it better to have a doctor or someone who knows the medical industry or would an outside technologist who can take a broader view of innovation be a better choice?”
Several healthcare organizations have created a new role in their organization called the chief innovation officer, who is tasked with developing and driving innovative solutions through the organization. Kimberly and his team are interviewing those officers and many others in academic medical centers in order to learn what works and does not in facing obstacles in healthcare. Innovation offers new approaches to these obstacles, which means fewer problems and better outcomes.
Many agree that current problems in the healthcare require innovation. That innovation however must be derived from an experienced, intelligent and correctly selected chief innovation officer. Also, it may be easy to hire the right person and get projects started, but truly implementing innovation is proving to be a big challenge. The implications of Kimberly’s research are significant considering how innovation is altering the health care industry and especially as health care professionals continue to seek innovative ways to improve care.
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Alison Killian is a recent graduate of Grove City College who majored in Business Management and minored in Biology Studies. She is a contributor to Medical Groups and passionate about all facets of healthcare. She plans on continuing work in the healthcare field especially in management. She is very interested in healthcare innovation and finding ways to improve the current system. She hopes to go back to school in a few years to earn a degree in medicine.