Healthcare Organizations are Three Times More Likely to Face Security Breaches
/Raytheon Websense released a report stating that companies in the healthcare industry are 3 times more likely to have a data breach than the average firm. According to principal security Analyst Carl Leonard, the sector also experiences 340% more security breaches than usual. Moreover, healthcare is 400% more likely to be targeted by advanced malware, 450% more likely to be hit by Cryptowall, and 74% more likely to get phishing emails.
Ransomware, a malware that threatens healthcare professionals with breaching health records for ransom, is becoming increasingly more common. Organizations need to increase their security and ensure that measures are in place to detect and block ransomware. Making matters worse, the healthcare industry is not only the most targeted, but also encounters the widest variety of threats. Ultimately, this makes it more challenging for healthcare organizations to protect against breaches.
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