$0.99 vs. $750? Drug Company Slashes Martin Shkreli's Cost, Proves He's Ripping Patients Off

Last month we reported on how Martin Shkreli increased the cost of a critical drug called Daraprim by 5000%. Well, Imprimis Pharmaceuticals announced yesterday that they will be providing a customizable formulation to compete with Daraprim, a drug used to treat a parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis in people with compromised immune systems according to Business Insider.

Imprimis is charging $99 for a 100-pill bottle of the drug, or $0.99 a pill. This is compared to Shkreli's company Turing Pharmaceuticals that raised the price from $13.50 to $750 a pill. 

Lydia Ramsey of Business Insider pointed out the difference between pharmaceutical companies and compounding companies: 

"Compounding pharmacies are different from major drug companies, which focus on developing new drugs for the US Food and Drug Administration approval. Instead, compounding pharmacies buy FDA-approved compounds that they can then formulate into pills that can be customized to fit certain conditions."

Imprimis named the new compounded drug pyrimethamine and their CEO Mark Baum stated that the reason they are offering this drug at such a low cost is because he's worked with the people affected by potential shortages of this drug for years.

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