ObamaCare Pilot Program Saved Medicare $384M Between 2012 & 2013
/An independent report released by the Department of Health and Human Services on Monday found that the Pioneer Accountable Care Organization saved Medicare $384 million across 2012 and 2013. This pilot program will be expanded with its primary focus being reimbursing for quality instead of quantity of care according to Peter Sullivan of www.TheHill.com.
Under the Affordable Care Act, the idea behind the pilot program was to sway doctors and healthcare providers to better coordinate care rather than charging for unnecessary tests and procedures which ends up costing taxpayers hundreds if not billions of dollars.
However, the success of the pilot program has not curbed the nation wide "doc shortage" especially in the primary care specialty. Michael Gerardi, President of The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) stated "America has severe primary care physician shortages, and many physicians will not accept Medicaid patients because Medicaid pays so inadequately," Dr. Michael Gerardi, president of ACEP, said in a statement. "Just because people have health insurance does not mean they have access to timely medical care."
Summary by www.MedicalGroups.com
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