Partners Healthcare Is Under Tremendous Scrutiny


An article published a few days ago in the Boston Globe calls for limits on the biggest hospital group in Massachusetts, Partners HealthCare. The author calls for an anti-trust investigation against the organization, pointing to its size as one of the reasons for high healthcare costs.

Partner Healthcare published a response in the Boston Globe. According to CEO Gary Gottlieb, “Yes, it can be more expensive to provide this care, but is there one of us who doesn’t want to have these resources available for our families and our community?”

He draws attention to the fact that Partners is the largest private employer in the state. Gottlieb also describes Partners Healthcare as “the most scrutinized, regulated health care system in the state if not the country.” He maintains the hospital group’s number one goal is to provide high quality care to patients, mentioning Partners commitment to providing mental health services even though it causes them to lose $50 million a year.

As hospital groups continue to grow larger, they must prepare to deal with accusations of violating anti-trust laws.

To read more from The Boston Globe, Click Here