Physicians And Patients Are On Board With The New Health IT Wave


Recently, Healthcare IT News outlined the growth and impact Information Technology (IT) is having on the health care community. Massachusetts is leading the way, as “healthcare providers are adopting health information technology and health data exchange and drawing consumer support for going digital,” according to Massachusetts eHealth Institute.

Bernie Monegain of Healthcare IT News stated that, "96 percent of primary care practices and nearly 80 percent of all healthcare organizations in Massachusetts report they are using electronic health record systems."  Health care providers are not the only ones jumping on board, as close to half of Massachusetts consumers have “used health IT to directly communicate with their healthcare provider, review test results, renew prescriptions, or schedule appointments.”

The adoption of health IT is only expected to grow, believes Pamela Goldberg, CEO of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Goldberg maintains “Health IT impacts healthcare delivery, coordination, and costs.” Data discovered in the 2014 MeHI Provider and Consumer Health IT Research Study further supports the impact IT is having on the healthcare industry. Laurance Stuntz, the director of MEHI, plans to “support the advancement of health IT in healthcare sectors such as behavioral health and long-term and post-acute care, as well as supporting further innovation in the sector.” Health IT is here to stay. Physicians must think strategically as they plan for the future, and develop innovative ways to leverage IT to support their business objectives.

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