USC's Virtual Care Clinic Now Making Hologram House Calls

USC's Virtual Care Clinic Now Making Hologram House Calls

At the opening of the 9th annual USC Body Computing Conference, Dr. Leslie Saxon screened a video of her image as a hologram in real time to her patient in Dubai. Dr. Saxon, a cardiologist and the conference's founder, calls it hologram house calls since she can speak with patients and walk them through treatment options without ever having to leave her office. 

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10 Reasons Doctors Make Great Entrepreneurs

10 Reasons Doctors Make Great Entrepreneurs

Conventional wisdom has it that “doctors are lousy businesspeople,” and they should just take care of patients and leave the business stuff to someone else. In my opinion, these beliefs are no longer sustainable if doctors are to thrive in the new US healthcare environment. As someone who works with physician entrepreneurs, I know that doctors have the potential to make great entrepreneurs.

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3 Ways Doctors Can Take Back Their Profession

3 Ways Doctors Can Take Back Their Profession

Doctors have relinquished their power and have been complacent while the medical industrial complex has seized the intitiative, not just in the halls of Congress, but in their examining rooms as well.

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$0.99 vs. $750? Drug Company Slashes Martin Shkreli's Cost, Proves He's Ripping Patients Off

$0.99 vs. $750? Drug Company Slashes Martin Shkreli's Cost, Proves He's Ripping Patients Off

Last month we reported on how Martin Shkreli increased the cost of a critical drug called Daraprim by 5000%. Well, Imprimis Pharmaceuticals announced yesterday that they will be providing a customizable formulation to compete with Daraprim, a drug used to treat a parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis in people with compromised immune systems according to Business Insider.

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What is the Future of the Doctor to Consumer Model in Healthcare?

What is the Future of the Doctor to Consumer Model in Healthcare?

There is a lot of money sloshing around digital health and investors are scratching their heads and becoming wary and suspect of outcomes. One concern is the viability of a direct to consumer business model instead of business to business or business to business to consumer models.

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