With ICD-10 Confidence still Low, Some Doctors are Thinking Retirement

With ICD-10 Confidence still Low, Some Doctors are Thinking Retirement

According to a recently conducted survey from the Texas Medical Association (TMA) of 936 respondents, ICD-10 preparation levels is currently quite dismal. If ICD-10 proves to be as financially disastrous as anticipated, physicians will be driven to retire earlier. Approximately 46% of physicians aged 61 or older are more likely to retire early in response to claims being denied due to ICD-10. While 34% of physicians aged 40 and younger are more likely to terminate or renegotiate plan contracts following ICD-10.

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Complex Reasons Why Healthcare M&A is Booming

Complex Reasons Why Healthcare M&A is Booming

Some experts see the frantic healthcare M&A activity as a pure response to healthcare reform. However, all of this deal-making indicates a long-overdue restructuring of the industry among other highly complex factors. Health systems are trying to solve for equally powerful forces: a more precise payment setting and increasingly savvy consumers. Cohesion of business models and technologies is another major factor behind the M&A boom.

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Kansas Doctor Moves to Direct Care Model

Kansas Doctor Moves to Direct Care Model

Beginning September 1st, Dr. Andrea Herrera will begin practicing under a direct primary care model that she hopes will make healthcare more affordable and personal. The main difference with Herrera’s model from traditional family practices is that insurance companies will not be involved. Patients pay a monthly fee from $10 to $100 per month depending on their age to receive all the office care they need.

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