Shkreli vs. Baum: Customer vs. Shareholder Capitalism

Shkreli vs. Baum: Customer vs. Shareholder Capitalism

Here’s a lesson about the concept of Shared Values and how it can be used to not only solve a market or social problem, but also to build a competitive advantage and positive reputation.  Last month, as one might remember, Turing Pharmaceuticals rose to infamy for upping the price per-pill of a life saving medicine from $13.50 to $750.

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Hillary Clinton Voices Her Concerns about Merger Mania in Healthcare

Hillary Clinton Voices Her Concerns about Merger Mania in Healthcare

Hillary Clinton is raising criticism on proposed mergers of the nation’s largest healthcare companies. The deals between Anthem and Cigna and between Aetna and Humana are still under review by the Department of Justice for the next year or so. Clinton has serious concerns about the pending mergers saying that customers would not benefit in any way, at least not in the way that these companies have said that they would.

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Fewer Black Men Apply To Medical School Than In 1978

Fewer Black Men Apply To Medical School Than In 1978

Oviea Akpotaire and Jeffrey Okonye put in long days working with patients at the veterans’ hospital in south Dallas as fourth-year medical students at the University of Texas Southwestern.

In a class of 237 people, they are two of only five black men.

“I knew the ones above us, below us,” Okonye says. “We all kind of know each other. It’s comforting to see another person that looks like you.”

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Jeb Bush Proposes Health Plan that Would Repeal Obamacare

Jeb Bush Proposes Health Plan that Would Repeal Obamacare

Jeb Bush recently offered a comprehensive proposal to replace much of the Affordable Care Act with a more conservative healthcare plan that aims to lower individual insurance costs. He relies on low-cost catastrophic health plans, which could reduce premiums for some consumers, but could also leave them with fewer health benefits.

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Bernie Sander's Bad Healthcare Idea and Why "Free" Would Fix Nothing

Bernie Sander's Bad Healthcare Idea and Why "Free" Would Fix Nothing

Chris Conover of Forbes reports that the point of the healthcare system is not so much about spending as little money as possible as it is to offer consumers good value for the money that they are spending on care. The U.S. certainly spends a lot on health care, but it is, “a misconception that Americans spend ‘too much’ on health care simply by observing that U.S. health spending is a higher fraction of GDP than in any other country.”

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