10 Opportunities for Patient Experience Intrapreneurs

10 Opportunities for Patient Experience Intrapreneurs

One of the IHI triple aims is to improve the patient experience (quality and satisfaction) of care. Physician intrapreneurs, i.e. employed physicians acting like entrepreneurs within their organizations , are working hand in glove with other colleagues throughout their systems to meet the goal. Not surprisingly, some have achieved success and some have not.

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Screen Time vs. Face Time?

Screen Time vs. Face Time?

Doctors are angry about EMRs and pushing back. They are complaining that screen time is getting in the way of face time with patients and it is contributing to the already mountain of stress and burnout and interfering with just letting doctors be doctors... "Just a glorified billing platform with the patient stuff tacked on."

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10 Reasons Why House Calls Are a Bad Idea

10 Reasons Why House Calls Are a Bad Idea

Some doctors think we should make more house calls to get closer to the patients and get a better understanding of how their living habits and social circumstances are affecting their health. While nostalgic and reminiscent of horse and buggy days, there are many reasons why house calls are a bad idea: 

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The ABCDE's of Technology Adoption

The ABCDE's of Technology Adoption

Every day, doctors have to make daily decisions about whether or not to adopt a new technology and add it their clinical armamentarium , either replacing or supplementing what they do. In doing so, they run the risk of making a Type 1 or a Type 2 adoption error.

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