AMA Warning: Healthcare Mergers Good for Insurers, Bad for Patients & Physicians

Already, 7 in 10 cities experience a “significant absence” of competition and 46 states have 2 insurers with at least a 50% share of the market. The American Medical Association (AMA) recently released a 12-page analysis, warning that the proposed Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana mergers would lead to an “unprecedented lack of competition” in the market. AMA President Steven J. Stack said, “A lack of competition in health insurer markets is not in the best interests of patients or physicians."

The spike in healthcare mergers in the nation's largest health insurers has brought up many concerns that the already significant lack of competition will only grow worse. These massive deals are currently being reviewed by the Department of Justice and will not be finalized without the DOJ's approval. The AMA hopes its concerns are heard since these mergers will likely mean a spike in premiums and will not do American healthcare consumers any good. 

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