More States Need To Implement Tools To Track Potential Patient Abuse Of Prescriptions
/Powerful tools have emerged for physicians to track potential abuse of narcotics prescriptions by their patients.
One of these is the New Jersey Prescription Monitoring Program. According to, the program “keeps detailed information on every prescription filled in New Jersey for medications classified as Controlled Dangerous Substances, more than 39 million prescriptions since data collection began in September 2011. Each record includes the patient and prescriber names, the type, dosage, and quantity of medications, and the date and pharmacy at which the prescription was filled. Prescribers and pharmacists can access the database to obtain a clear view of patient histories with regard to opiates and other controlled substances, and to make better-informed decisions for patient care.”
However, in order for programs like these to be effective, physicians and other health professionals must utilize them.
In New Jersey, doctors who prescribe controlled substance will be “automatically pre-registered for a monitoring program account if they do not already have access to it” when they renew their license to prescribe these medications. The state is pushing for increased utilization of the database to curb abuse of narcotic drug prescriptions.
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