10 Ways to Get Started as a Physician Entrepreneur

10 Ways to Get Started as a Physician Entrepreneur

Physician entrepreneurship has thankfully gone mainstream, to the benefit of patients, physician employers and other innovation stakeholders. While most physicians lack an entrepreneurial mindset, several are realizing their innerpreneur and want to take the next steps.But, like having a good idea, they don't know what to do next. Here are 10 tips that can help you on your journey:

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There are Unique Economic Opportunities to Improve Healthcare

There are Unique Economic Opportunities to Improve Healthcare

In “Unscaling the Healthcare Economy”, Hemant Taneja makes some excellent points with regards to unique economic opportunities within the healthcare system that will also improve patient outcomes.

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How Computers are Controlling the Stock Market

How Computers are Controlling the Stock Market

In this year alone, there have been 35 bizarre “flash crashes” in American oil markets, essentially meaning that prices dropped significantly and recovered quickly due to automated trading. Prices for West Texas Intermediate crude swung 200 basis points in less than an hour, before recovering at least 75 basis points. 

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MetLife Believes Treasury Yields Won't Reach 4.5% For Another Decade

MetLife Believes Treasury Yields Won't Reach 4.5% For Another Decade

MetLife, the biggest life insurer in the United States announced that they believe benchmark 10-year Treasury yields are more than a decade away from returning to their long-run average according to Susanne Walker Barton of Bloomberg.

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Here are Some Stocks to Own and to Avoid with Looming Interest Rate Hikes

Here are Some Stocks to Own and to Avoid with Looming Interest Rate Hikes

Goldman Sachs does not expect interest rates to increase until December, but it is preparing its clients for the first rise in almost a decade. Goldman identified companies that will be least affected by the rate increase, and those that will be more affected.

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