MetLife Believes Treasury Yields Won't Reach 4.5% For Another Decade

MetLife Believes Treasury Yields Won't Reach 4.5% For Another Decade

MetLife, the biggest life insurer in the United States announced that they believe benchmark 10-year Treasury yields are more than a decade away from returning to their long-run average according to Susanne Walker Barton of Bloomberg.

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10 Reasons Doctors Make Great Entrepreneurs

10 Reasons Doctors Make Great Entrepreneurs

Conventional wisdom has it that “doctors are lousy businesspeople,” and they should just take care of patients and leave the business stuff to someone else. In my opinion, these beliefs are no longer sustainable if doctors are to thrive in the new US healthcare environment. As someone who works with physician entrepreneurs, I know that doctors have the potential to make great entrepreneurs.

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A Way for Physicians to Increase Production As Well As Reimbursement

A Way for Physicians to Increase Production As Well As Reimbursement

With the recent chatter regarding the potential "doctor shortage," hiring a physician's assistant (PA) or nurse practitioner (NP) when a medical practice is having trouble adding another provider can be a tremendous asset to your medical group. If a physician chooses this route, he or she can increase revenue and take home pay while also increasing patient satisfaction.

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