AMA Warning: Healthcare Mergers Good for Insurers, Bad for Patients & Physicians

AMA Warning: Healthcare Mergers Good for Insurers, Bad for Patients & Physicians

Already, 7 in 10 cities experience a “significant absence” of competition and 46 states have 2 insurers with at least a 50% share of the market. The American Medical Association (AMA) recently released a 12-page analysis, warning that the proposed Anthem-Cigna and Aetna-Humana mergers would lead to an “unprecedented lack of competition” in the market.

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Disability Insurance: The Missing Link In A Physician's Financial Plan

Disability Insurance: The Missing Link In A Physician's Financial Plan

As a physician and a business owner, you have spreadsheets, balance sheets, profit and loss statements, tax filings, and an endless array of documents available to tell you daily how much money it takes to keep your practice going.

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Optimism Building With Looming ICD-10 Transition?

Optimism Building With Looming ICD-10 Transition?

Anxiety is culminating as the October 1st deadline for ICD-10 is rapidly approaching. According to a survey administered by Porter Research (commissioned by Navicure) in August, 85% of respondents believe they will be ready for the implementation of ICD-10, but 57% also claim they are not on track for it as of right now.

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Salesforce Developing New Patient Engagement Health Cloud to Revolutionize EHR

Salesforce Developing New Patient Engagement Health Cloud to Revolutionize EHR

International Data Corp. predicts 80% of healthcare data will pass through the cloud at some point by 2020. Salesforce is confident that it can successfully revolutionize the healthcare industry’s electronic records by developing a patient engagement cloud platform that is expected to enter the market extensively in February 2016.

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